Maya Sinharathna is an award winning film and theatre director who has actively contributed to the field of theatre and film in UK and In Sri Lanka for many years. She later joined the Diploma Course in Film Making run by National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka, which she successfully completed in 2006 and since then has devoted her energies as a director to film-making.
During her career, She has received recognition and awards for her own productions after directing and producing three theatrical works that were entered National Drama Festivals in Sri Lanka, between 2004-2006. These festivals were jointly organized by the Department of Cultural Affairs and the National Drama Panel of the Arts Council of Sri Lanka. She also picked up awards during this period for Best Script Writer, Best Director, Best Music, Best Production, Best Sets, and Best Actress, as well as Best Supporting Actress.
Moving to London, she then completed her Post Graduate Degree in Film/Video at the Cavendish College in London between 2009-2010, before applying for and completing her Master’s Degree in film-making at Kingston University London, between 2013 and 2014 and then completing a further MA in 3D Computer Animation for Visual Effects in 2016 & 2017 London- as part of this she was able to direct not only five documentaries but five short films, and one animation film, working as Writer, Editor, Director, Cinematographer, Producer and Animator.
Her film “Friends Forever”, a documentary production, received a special commendation at the Croydon International Film Festival on 27th October 2014 and “Uncertain”, a drama, was selected as the community choice out of 110 British short films, at the Talent House, the Prince Charles Cinema & BFI Future Film Festival with a red- carpet Screening at the Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester square London on November 23rd in 2014.
A dedicated hard-working professional Maya Sinharathna has matchless experience working in all fields of the Dramatic Arts, whether Cinema, Television or Theatre production.